
Kitty R. and Grandpa T. hitchhike again. (VIDEO)

Kitty R.

You wake up in the morning, slowly go outside town and in the absolutely scorching sun stand next to the road. The hitchhiking adventure begins. At this point you have no idea where you will sleep, what you will eat, who will stop to take you in their car on their way to your destination. The only thing you focus on is staying safe. The only thing you focus on is protecting yourself from possible sunstroke.

Kitty R.

In my homeland Pride is far from being just a celebration. It is not peacaful. This video is to bring hope to all Polish, that it is possible to have a Pride with no fear and no fights. LGBT is not ideology. It’s people.


How wild are the Dartmoor ponies?

Kitty R.

First night in Dartmoor Kitty R. and her friends observe Musk’s satelites crossing the stary sky. The very next day Kitty R. holds her breath while admiring the beauty of the moors, and most important of all: SHE MEETS WILD PONIES! Kitty promises to come back to make a proper video. Till then enjoy the teaser.


Kitty R. decided to spontaneously visit her friends in Thessaloniki, Greece. She didn't go to White Tower or visit plenty of ruins, museums or churches. Instead she experienced the easy flow of Greece in her own way.

Kitty R.

Kitty R. decided to spontaneously visit her friends in Thessaloniki, Greece. She didn’t go to White Tower or visit plenty of ruins, museums or churches. Instead she experienced the easy flow of Greece in her own way. harbour exploring some buildings Thessaloniki cat fish market me too ;) reggae boys and the girl the world

French Pyrenees

It is part II of Kitty R's adventures in France. She experiences the french food coma, creates a new legend and is over the moon when walking in the snow.

Kitty R.


Kitty R. in France, part I

Kitty R.

Kitty R.goes to France to experience delicious food, discover the story of the Devil and find out the weirdest handles ever! It’s the first part of her french adventures. [TURN ON SUBTITLES] In the next episode she visits French Pyrenees and discovers that … Fat is Life.

ASIA by Kitty R.

A short movie about Southeast Asia through Kitty's eyes.

Kitty R.

Today no text, just a piece of hard work and the combination of true passions: travelling and video editing. Enjoy and … do you like it? PS. Kitty recommends to watch with headphones and with full HD.


Kitty R., although she came from Asia to her own hometown, still feels that she is on the go. She’s here only for a few weeks and still packed in the same backpack as for the last 8 months.

Kitty R.

Warsaw. This is where Kitty R. was born and brought up. It is the capital city, yet she spent her childhood in a converted stable, where in the yard there was a dog on a chain and three greenhouses around (with cucumber, primosus and lilies). To this day, she loves the fact that her childhood was based on the combination of the big city and the village at the same time.


About morning explosions, beautiful trips among swans, Kitty’s favourite town and generally unusual attractions in Poland.

Kitty R.

Kitty R. and Sir Last say goodbye to Southeast Asia and fly to Europe. Over the next weeks, Kitty R. experience real food porn, mainly thanks to lush raspberries, strawberries and tomatoes! She is also delighted with the cool summer air that she catches greedily (Dear Asia, do you know how deep you can breathe when the air is not steamy and hot and that the brain works at high speed not only in an air conditioned environment?


Draft notes on what to pack on your trip to Asia (Kitty’s tips) and her way to discover new things (Muay Thai among Young People).

Kitty R.

Kitty R. recommends. When travelling to Southeast Asia, you should pack as if you were going to the beach, thus take: sunscreen and a book. The reason for the first one is that sunscreen and tanning oils are much more expensive here and usually they whiten the skin. As for the book, do not panic, it is not about carrying it around, but it’s about reading it (sic!). You can do it, for example,while rocking in a hammock, and when you finish reading, without a problem, you can exchange such a book in the next hostel for a new one and read it and then replace it in the next hostel and … In other words, take the book on a journey to get involved in the mobile, awesome travel library in which you never pay penalties for over keeping, and that’s a deal!