Antigua Guatemala

Earthquake, fleas and other experiences

Kitty R.

Antigua Guatemala. A town beautifully simple at the foot of active volcanoes: Volcán de Agua, Acatenango, and Volcán de Fuego. The extraordinary views and fresh air delight us constantly🌋 As soon as I got off the bus, I thought I would rest here, but fate had a different plan for us. From the day we arrived, we fought a battle with fleas (which we won after visiting a doctor), we lost our strength due to … (the fight continues), we were in two hospitals from which I left without a diagnosis, but with a prescription for migraines and electrolytes. And the biggest experience of all this was the earthquake! And all this in 48 hours. The next days passed on walks, eating, visiting a museum and naps. And later, in the second part, we even managed to sign up for a Spanish school. That’s how it sometimes is on these trips. Fortunately, the delight with the town lasts and will remain in my heart for a long time 💕 maybe I will come back here someday and climb a volcano? #antiguaguatemala #guatemalatravel #gwatemala #dronevideo #dronefootage #volcanology #spanishlessons #amerykacentralna #hiszpańskidlapoczątkujących #podróże #latinamerica #earthquake #kittyr #trzęsienieziemi

I apologize to all of you, maybe it’s just me, but when I’m on a trip like this, I bring up two topics every day: a poo stats (was it healthy, or am I at risk of dehydration and should I take some pills and drink gallons of electrolytes) and what bit me (was it just a mini ant or a mosquito or something else and is the hydro-cortisol enough to stop the itching). That’s the truth. I also often wonder how much the dog I’m walking past is afraid of me (i.e. will it bite me and will my rabies vaccinations work).
But! My dears, even more often than the above, I think about how wonderful the people around me are here, how friendly and sincerely they smile when we pass each other on the street, how patiently they approach my poor Spanish. Yesterday I asked my Spanish teacher Zulma if it’s not a problem that in the store, pharmacy, restaurant I always address everyone per “you” (“hi, do you have toilet paper?” instead of “hello Sir, do you have toilet paper?") and Zulima said that it’s absolutely not a problem, that I can address everyone as “you”, because here in Guatemala we are all amigos 🥹 💓

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